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We are happy to present you our

We are glad to think about all the solutions, so that your experience with us would turn out to be vivacious, comfortable and encouraging.


We are glad to think that your serenity is our biggest joy.

Hotel reservations for groups
Bus, ship and plane transfers for groups
Interpreting, airport and congressional assistance
Guide service
Customized individual and group holiday packages proposals, on request and planning

BellaVista sui Sassi

Operative and administrative office: via Cardano 7, 80055 Portici (NA) – Florence office: Viale Verga 75/b, Florence Tel. 055 0317690/ 333.4588182– Basilicata office: via San Martino 28, 75020 Nova Siri (Matera) tel. 0810733343

Courtesy: Silvana Laviola_ photos e testi

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