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Hair loss can be due to many causes such as stress, genetic factors (androgenetic alopecia, so widespread in men), age, chemicals, incorrect use of drugs, chemotherapy treatment, infectious diseases, malnutrition, etc.


Each adult can lose physiologically up to 50-100 hair per day. This rate is quite normal but above this number, it can become a serious problem and can only be solved with an auto transplantation surgical treatment.


Hair transplantation surgery is a serious operation and risk factors must be kept to a minimum.


For example, high quality work affects various technical and aesthetic aspects of intervention such as the operation of the canal, the extraction and transplantation of grafts with exact rate and angle, the determination of the hairline. All these factors are fundamental for a successful hair transplantation and for an excellent aesthetic result.


Because every hair and every face should correspond to a certain hairline for a harmonious result. Drawing a wrong hairline can cause a bad appearance after hair transplantation surgery.


​Before the operation, the hairline will be carefully evaluated in absolute agreement and according to the wishes of the treated person.


The FUE (follicular unit extract) is the most recent technique in terms of microsurgery applied to hair transplantation that consists in removing the follicular units individually from the back and side of the head thanks to the help of circular microbes. The operation is carried out under local anaesthesia and lasts about 6-7 hours.


The FUE method has a number of advantages than the FUT method. In fact, it does not involve the surgical removal of strips of linear tissue, it does not leave any scars, the surgery time is shorter and also the scalp healing process lasts only 7-8 days approx. In addition, up to 4000-5000 grafts can be transplanted in one session using the FUE method. In this way patients can achieve the best result with maximum grafting. If necessary, with this method you can schedule additional interventions with an interval of 12 months.


It has a very high degree of satisfaction because it gets a natural result (very high density of the follicles implanted respecting the natural inclination).





  1. The operating plan is executed and the hairline is determined by experts in agreement with the patient.

  2. After the hair is shaved, experts start local anaesthesia.

  3. After the started numbness on the scalp, the follicular units are taken from the donor area one by one with a special micro scalpel.

  4. The follicles remain inside a special physiological solution.

  5. Small incisions are opened at the receiving site to transplant the grafts.

  6. The follicles are implanted into these holes individually.



(The medical-scientific contents on this page are kindly provided by the medical staff of Eurasia)

BellaVista sui Sassi

Operative and administrative office: via Cardano 7, 80055 Portici (NA) – Florence office: Viale Verga 75/b, Florence Tel. 055 0317690/ 333.4588182– Basilicata office: via San Martino 28, 75020 Nova Siri (Matera) tel. 0810733343

Courtesy: Silvana Laviola_ photos e testi

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